You live out your rivers, I hide down my lake.

Elif Shafak :: Štirideset pravil ljubezni / Forty rules of love

Brzica: Med prsti držiš kamen in ga vržeš vanjo. Voda bo morda vzvalovala tam, kjer bo kamen prebil površino, pljusk pa bo udušilo žuborenje reke. To je vse. 
Vrzi kamen v jezero. Ne le, da bo učinek viden, tudi trajal bo dlje. Kamen bo zmotil mirno vodo. Na kraju, kjer bo udaril ob gladino bo nastal krog in ta krog se bo v trenutku pomnožil še v enega in še enega. Kaj kmalu se bo valovanje, ki ga je povzročil en udarec, razširilo, dokler ga ne bo mogoče čutiti po celotni površini vode. Šele ko bodo valovi dosegli obalo se bodo ustavili in umirili.
Ko kamen pade v reko, je to za reko zgolj še en premik, v njenem že tako burnem toku. Nič nenavadnega. Nič neobvladljivega. 
Če pa kamen prileti v jezero, ne bo jezero nikoli več enako. 

Betwen you fingers you hold a stone and throw it into flowing water. The efect might not be easy to see. there wll be a small ripple where the stone breaks the surface, and then a splash muffled by a rush of the surrounding river. That`s all. 
Throw a stone into a lake. The effect will be not only visible but also far more lasting. The stone will disrupt the still water. A circle will form where the stone hit the water, and in a flash that circle wil multiply into another, then another. Before long the ripples caused by one plop will expand until they can be felt where along the mirrored surface of the water. Only when the circles reach the shore will they stop and die out. 
If a stone hits a river, the river will treat it as yet another commotion in its already tumultuous course. Nothing unusual. Nothing unmanagable. 
If a stone hits a lake, however, the lake will never be the same again.

1 comment:

Milena said...

To become the river? To be the lake?