Let me tell you what I do when my day is over. After picking the right clothes for about an hour....

Andrejka, me and Keki were talking the other day. What would people you know look like if they were animals? And I made us two - I`m pedaling as fast/slow as a sloth can pedal and she`s having a laugh like a hiena in the side box, hahah

...this is def the music to go with it :
"... Oooh, I'm turning orange from all the carats round my neck.
Tonight, I'm takin' out the bling and I'm dressed to impress.
Lets get this party started right,
Lets get drunk and freaky fly -a-a-a-a-a....."

Interviewing an oldtimer

In his time he was the best sportsmen... but he`s not so fond of talking about his sports history .. except.. "now I play cricket... and bowls tournaments with other old folks... and slowfootbal with these nice wheels... well ... I try.. hahha" All in all, he is a friendly life loving old guy and likes to remember himself not as a - 5 World CCP Crap tournament winner, 16 BluBirdNestTime award winner, 3 times Best Team player award winner .. and I could go on forever, - rather as a ladies man!

Pointer Twins

Pointer... Twins? I bet the last thing you would think of is a a camera, haha... even Googalmighty doesn`t know it... but that`s what it is!

Funny looking piece with the two lens options, huh ... it`s got a piggish look, haha..
I found it somewhere in my room, totally forgotten... one morning decided I would try it out, I had about 20 minutes, on my bike, on my way to school, to use the roll and develop it, so.. nothing heavy going on there...

..Coax me, don`t coax me..

... another one... this song is fucking great and stuck on repeat today ...
Where is my mind???

june gloom

These were acctualy taken in April, thus June is taking over the april weather now, this is the vibe - June gloom (The Like)