Man is born crying. When he has cried enough, he dies.

movie: Ran (Akira Kurosawa)
28 xa 2012 April
34yashica 2011 oktober

In truth, man is a polluted river. One must be a sea to receive a polluted river without becoming impure.

book: Thus spoke Zarathustra (Nietzsche)

Resnično, umazana reka je človek. Moraš biti že morje, da lahko sprejmeš umazano reko ne da bi se onesnažil. 
Tako je govoril Zaratustra

27 xa 2012 Marec april

05 xa 2012 Marec april

01 xa 2012 maj budimpesta

Sin ambiente no hay futuro

620a 33


Time changes, the world goes on changing, but the experience of silence, the joy of it, remains the same. That is the only thing you can rely upon, the only thing that never dies. It is the only thing that you can call your very being.
30 xa 2012 April
02 zenit2

Caffeine Hours

Včeraj se je zgodil Caffeine Hours. To je tak lušten sejem publikacij in printov.
Naredila sem dva fotozina in nekaj majic (sem imela te dni "mentorico", ki mi je pomagala pri oblikovanju, hvala ninč). Lepo je uspelo vse skupaj. Če si ga kdo želi zase ali kot darilo mi lahko piše v komentar ali na mail.

Sem ful vesela, da sem lahko sodelovala in bila vključena še v Me, myself and I, poleg Talking to volcano skupaj z drugimi deli, ki sta jih izbrala Rok in Zoran. Malo sem tudi menjala: z Mino in Ajdo in z eno Mellow punco, ki ne vem kako ji je me. Kupila sem tudi dve uporabni torbi. Za na kolo in s kolesom. Aja in Muslauf fantje so naredili musmate/meta :)

Caffeine  Hours is a one day festival of independent publications. I made two fotozines and some printed t-shirts. If you`d like to have it - write me in a comment or mail. I will post the zine contents soon.

How about some caffeine

foto by: teja

Moja mati pravi, da sem bolj taka kot Rilke "... da morš v svoji sobi tolk časa ždet in razmišljat kaj boš povedala , da se potopiš dovolj globoko - tako globoko , da ti začnejo predmeti sami šepetat zgodbice ....". Ne vem, očitno moram začet brat Rilkeja. 

Rilke says: Art is not a making-oneself-understood but an urgent understanding-of-oneself. The closer you get in your most intimate and solitary contemplation or imagination (vision), the more has been achieved, even if no one else were to understand it.