This aint no kangaroo


Olympus XA

Olympus XA

Lets do da hoola

Boredom is a funny thing...

vegetal MRI

Inside Insides
Some of the fruits/vegies I dont even know but I like their resonance ..


I unpacked a box of old vinyls today, only to find that the Oxygen is missing!?
The cover was empty.. maybe its misplaced in a wrong wrapper... It will take a while to find it, but I hope I was my favorite childhood record, perfect for surreal daydreaming on clear and blurry days.

we used to call it "the bowl cut"

thinking short.. really short
and for a few months now I`ve been trying to pull up courage..
I want a mushroomlike supercutecut

> photo : facehunter : found here

The dimmed room exhib.

venice, 2009, biennale

There was one exhibition in total dark... the only way you could see anything was to flash around, so if you didn`t have a camera.. well then, you`re a BAD tourist!!

Sometimes I wake up and sit here, listening.......

then I find myself in evening.

Nothing happens.

beginning morning
You can find me in the evening, but its hard to see at night.

solid gold thunderbird

(The Golden Filter)

le scénario du matin

This morning on my way home, I made a small curve to avoid a what we call -lying cop- road hump?.. then a wasp hit my sunglases, and the poor scared little thing fell in my top and stung me ... but then she flew on and is now probably braging to it`s fellow mates about the life threatening experience... well it wasn`s fun for me either, and here I am doing the same..